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So how do you make sure your PC investment lasts?
The first factor is your buying strategy. Start with a quality computer build. If you buy the cheapest, bargain-basement computer off the shelf, you can't expect it to last as long as a solid business-class or mid-range residential system. The reality is for a few dollars more you end up with hardware that will last six or more years.
Assuming you started with a decent computer, a PC tune-up (once every three months) will go a long way toward extending your computer's speed and overall life.
Here's a list of things you should be doing at least quarterly to keep your computer running well:
  • Proactively clean and defrag your computer
  • Repair registry issues with your system
  • Keep up to date with hardware drivers 
  • Your operating system should be updating regularly and make sure that it's happening.
  • Maintain antivirus software (besides what the computer operating system comes with)
  • Check for add-ons and other unwanted leeches that sap your computer's resources
Whiz Kid Support can take care of all these things for your family and/or your home-based business. Click the button below to visit our website and see our affordable maintenance plans that can be tailored to your individual needs. 


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