Reliable, friendly, efficient remote computer support for individuals.

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paul laflammeMy name is Paul LaFlamme. I started Whiz Kid Support to help individual computer users—folks who use their computers at home for school, a home-based business or personal use--with their computer problems.

While businesses can get outstanding computer support from our parent company, Centrend, Inc. I discovered that individuals were not happy with the computer support experience they receive from the "big box stores." Many individual home users shared with me that they really didn't want to hire a computer support geek or computer support nerd to resolve issues and keep their computer running well. 

Conversely, many of these people did want to be able to call a Computer Whiz to help them with their computer support and computer training needs. That's when I decided to create Whiz Kid Support. Today, our Whiz Kids are providing zero–contact, remote computer support to customers throughout the US. 

Whiz Kid Support has one mission: to provide the highest possible quality remote computer support to individuals located anywhere in the United States. 

Whiz Kids are well trained, efficient, polite, and patient.

We offer a large variety of one-time services along with complementary recurring services that protect our customers' data from viruses and accidental loss.

Our one–time services come with a 100 percent, money-back guarantee, and our subscription-based support plans can be canceled at any time. It's because of these generous policies that Whiz Kid Support’s motto is "You have nothing to lose but your technology problems."


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