Reliable, friendly, efficient remote computer support for individuals.

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Q: What is a Whiz Kid?
A: A Whiz Kid is someone with outstanding computer skills and the ability to communicate effectively.

Q: Are your whiz kids really young kids?
A: No. Our whiz kids are actually professional computer consultants that have been great with computers since a young age. 

Q: What if you can't fix my computer?
A: Whiz Kid Support guarantees our services or your money back.

Q: What if it takes hours to fix my problem? Do you charge by the hour?
A: Nearly all of our services are for a fixed fee. You will know how much you're paying up front.

Q: What if my problem requires on-site service?
A: Depending on your location, we may be able to come on-site if that's what your problem requires. Our Whiz Kids are based in Massachusetts, USA, and can come to your location if you're not too far away.

Q: What happens if my simple problem turns out to be more complex?
A: If your Whiz Kid Support person determines your simple problem to be more complex than anticipated, you have the option of paying the difference to continue the repair or receive a full refund of the fee paid for a simple issue.


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